How do I know if I need a Cleanse?
Symptoms: Congested, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, hormone imbalances, low libido, infertility, irregular menses, dull hair, poor complexion, foggy thinking, bloating, constipation, chronic pain
More serious symptoms: chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, chemical or food sensitivities, sensitive to smells or supplements, depression, anxiety, allergies, asthma, Alzheimer’s, Autism, ADD/ADHD
Exposures: medications, chemicals in body and cleaning products, pesticides, smoke, toxins on job site
Diet: packaged, processed foods, refined grains, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, conventional produce
Don’t be a Statistic ☹
The U.S. makes up only 5% of the world population however, we consume 50% of the world’s pharmaceuticals
More than 2/3 of our population is overweight
Linked to the major killers: heart disease, cancer and stroke
All attributable to diet and lifestyle and therefore PREVENTABLE!
It is estimated that we currently spend 20% of our income on “health” care
Over 80% of Americans are overweight and 31% of us are obese
THE WHO states that 75% of ALL American Deaths are diet-related
Just recently, diet related deaths overtook tobacco as the leading cause of preventable death!
Weight loss is a $40 billion dollar industry with a 98% failure rate!!
The Real Problem:
Toxic environment
On a daily basis our bodies are being exposed to more toxins than they can eliminate.
Poor food quality and choices.
The nutritional value of the food that we grow has decreased drastically.
It takes 40 apples today to equal 1in 1920’s.
Our “filters” get clogged and our bodies can’t perform the way they were supposed to.
Overfed and Undernourished?
The US is one of the most overfed, yet undernourished nations.
Cooked foods depletes vitamins and enzymes
Soil demineralization from poor farming practices
Commercial foods stripped of naturally occurring nutrients and replaced with synthetic vitamins. ie: bleached flour
We eat the wrong kind of food (pH and Enzymes KEY)
Our bodies are bankrupt and need nourishing
Antioxidants needed to combat free radical damage are missing!
We Can Not get enough nutrients from our food
With all the chemicals and toxins in our environment
We must Cleanse, Replenish and Revitalize!
How Do We Get Toxic?
4 billion pounds of toxins pumped into the environment every year in the US alone
188 million pounds dumped into lakes, streams and rivers
Women absorb 5 pounds of chemicals every year from cosmetics alone
Propylene Glycol + antifreeze
1/3 of all personal care products are classified as carcinogens
Solvents, emulsifiers, preservatives, pesticides, MSG, High fructose corn syrup, trans fats in our food!
avg. American consumes 150-170 pounds per year! Our ancestors consumed less in a year than we do in a day!!
Drinking 1 can of soda every day for 1 year = 16 POUNDS of sugar consumed.
3000 chemical additives that are ALLOWED to be in our foods
The Real Solution:
Clean and Maintain: we change our water and air filters. What about our bodies?
Anatomy of Detoxification: Lymph, Blood, Skin, Kidneys, Liver, Lungs, Colon
So why would you only do a colon cleanse or a liver cleanse or a gall bladder flush?
Comparison on Cleanses:
Fasting: complete deprivation, detox rapidly therefore sever symptoms of detox, can be dangerous depending on medication use and health history
Juice Fasting: similar to above with more nutritional value, juices tend to be high in carbohydrate, only safe for 2-3 days max.
Colon or organ specific cleanse: see above!!
***Whole Food cleansing*** no fasting, balanced protein, carb and fat intake, clean eating, supports Phase I and II of liver detox, support products for all of the organs of detox., changes relationship with food therefore instilling new habits, can be maintained
Misconceptions to Cleansing:
I will have to stay close to the toilet
I can’t work out
I will be too hungry
I will feel too restricted in what I can eat
I don’t like fruits and vegetables
I won’t have enough energy to perform my daily responsibilities
I will still have to cook for my family
I can’t cleanse because I take medications
I can’t cleanse because I have diabetes, thyroid disease, etc.
What You Can Expect:
Improved weight management
Increased energy and vitality
Better digestion
Less bloating
Clearer skin
Shinier hair
Better sleep
Clearer thinking
Decreased joint pain
Improved allergy symptoms
A new relationship with food that can easily be incorporated into everyday living!
If I told you there was a way to reduce your symptoms in HALF, What would it be worth to you?