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Search for the word "cleanse kit" at the link above to see all the cleanse kit options. 

Past 21-day cleanse participants reported these amazing benefits!

We have a solution to your Quarantine 15!

The Purification Cleanse program supports the body's natural toxin-metabolism processes and brings healthy lifestyle habits into focus. This unique 21-day program is designed to purify, nourish, and help maintain a healthy body weight.

The 21 Day cleanse comes with your choice of cleanse kit, weekly emails with helpful instructions, health education videos, cleanse-friendly recipes, and exclusive access to the Health by Design Cleanse Facebook Group to keep you on track during your cleanse


Don't live in Jacksonville? That's ok, you can still participate! Cleanse kits are mailed to you, so you don't have to live in Jacksonville to participate in a cleanse!

Previous 21 Day Cleanse Participants average an 8-20 pound weight loss!

Energy and vitality

Past 21 Day Cleanse Participants reported experiencing improved memory, energy, sleep and less brain fog and fatigue.

weight loss

21 Day Cleanse Participants lose on average 8-20 pounds. 


Past 21 Day Cleanse Participants reported experiencing improvement in hair, nails and skin tone.


Past 21 Day Cleanse Participants reported improvement in digestive issues, regularity, bowel health and reduced bloating. 

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What do you get with the 21 Day Purification Cleanse?

Our 21-day purification program helps patients purify, nourish, and maintain a healthy body and weight. We offer eight different purification product kits based on the preferred protein and fiber choice.


Here is what you get with the 21 Day Purification Cleanse: 


  • 1 SP Cleanse–purification whole food supplements

  • 2 SP Complete, SP Complete Chocolate, SP Complete Vanilla or 2 SP Complete Dairy Free–nutritious supplement shakes

  • 2 Gastro-Fiber or 2 Whole Food Fiber–fiber support

  • 1 SP Green Food–phytonutrients 

  • The 21 Day Purification Cleanse Guide 

  • Coupon for an end of Cleanse Nutritional Response Test™ (local area patients only)

  • Informational and supportive emails and Facebook Group ​


Order your choice of cleanse kit and have it delivered right to your door!
Search for the word "cleanse kit" at the link below to see all the cleanse kit options.  
Juice Maker
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