Dr. Kristy's 5 Immune Boosting Secrets
Are you facing new demands in your personal and professional life that require you to stay as healthy as possible?
Are you looking for simple, easy steps you can take to boost your immune system or lower your stress?
Do you prefer proactive, holistic options that address underlying problems rather than just treating the symptoms?
If you are concerned about you and your family's health and wellness right now, you are not alone!
Dr. Kristy from Health by Design has compiled a list of immune boosting secrets you can act on RIGHT NOW from the comfort of your own home.
Download the 5 Immune Boosting Secrets PDF to learn how to strengthen your immune system during this time of stress and uncertainty.
Natural Immunity Boost Bundle
When COVID-19 hit, many of our patients were asking for a way to naturally boost their immunity. We put together a bundle of immune boosting natural, whole food supplements so that our patients and their family members could naturally boost their immune system with safe, holistic products. We are calling it our natural immunity bundle and you can order your bundle today! You can pick up the bundle at the Health by Design Office, or we can ship it to you.
Here is what comes in the Immunity Bundle:
Standard Process Zinc Liver Chelate 180 tablets
Standard Process Collagen C 90 tablets
Cataplex D 180 tablets
Energetix Lymph Tone III 2fl oz
$91 Bundle with in office pick up
$107 Bundle with USPS shipping
Have symptoms but want to manage your symptoms and heal naturally? We have our Symptom Bundle ready to ship!
Here is what comes in the Symptom Bundle:
MarcoPharma MarcoZyme 250 tablets
Standard Process Broncafect 40 tablets
MarcoPharma Pulmonest 1.69 fl
Allyganny Nutrition Natto LP 120 capsules
$181 Bundle with in office pick up
$197 Bundle with USPS shipping
We have a supplement bundle for every occasion!
We don’t have any products to show here right now.
Enhance your health with whole food supplements!
Available for pick up in the office or to be shipped to you or to loved ones!
Start your immunity boosting holistic health practice
with Health by Design!
Start your journey to build the confidence that you and your family will be healthy and well and that your body can heal itself naturally! Call the office and schedule your New Patient Exam 904-363-3374 and order your Natural Immunity Boosting Bundle today!